Can Dogs Eat Red Velvet Cake?

Last Updated on 11/17/2021 by Veronica Jones

We’ve all been there. You’re digging into some tasty food and your dog is giving you that look. The one that says, ‘can I have some?’ They can see you’re enjoying it, so why wouldn’t they. For some foods that’s true, but for others it can lead to problems. So, what about red velvet cake? Is it safe for dogs? Let’s find out…

Can Dogs Eat Red Velvet Cake?

Can Dogs Eat Red Velvet Cake

No, dogs cannot eat red velvet cake. A red velvet cake’s main ingredients are unhealthy for dogs, causing serious health problems and even death. Even a small bite of red velvet cake can be too much for a dog, especially if they are small dogs or puppies.

Can Dogs Eat Red Velvet Cake

Why Is Red Velvet Cake Bad for Dogs?

The main ingredients in a red velvet cake are bad for dogs, especially in large quantities.  The bad ingredients can lead to some severe symptoms and even death in some cases. Here are some ingredients in red velvet cake that make it bad for dogs.

Red velvet cake for dogs


Firstly, almost all cakes have a lot of sugar, which is bad for dogs. While sugar is not directly toxic to dogs, it is definitely not good for them either. Think of it as junk food for humans, you will not get poisoned by it but can lead to many other issues like weight gain and diabetes.

A dog’s diet is not supposed to have sugar, and it was never a part of their diets in the wild. So, even a bit of sugar can cause some health problems.

Chocolate and Cocoa

Almost all red velvet cakes contain cocoa powder and/or dark chocolate, a toxic ingredient to dogs that can cause poisoning in dogs. How much cocoa it would take to poison your dog will depend on your dog’s size, but it is best to avoid it altogether. Otherwise, your dog would need to visit a vet immediately.

Chocolate has a toxin called theobromine, which is similar to caffeine. In medicine, theobromine gets used to stimulate the heart, relax muscles, dilate blood vessels, etc. However, those effects are not good in healthy dogs. In fact, it can make your dog sick.

Moreover, chocolate can still cause painful side effects even if it does not lead to poisoning. So, even a bit of chocolate can lead to many health issues and discomfort. Since red velvet cake is a chocolate cake, it would be best to never give any to your dog.

Can a dog eat red velvet cake


Butter is another non-toxic yet unhealthy ingredient found in cakes, including red velvet. Some dogs are lactose intolerant, so the butter can cause an upset stomach and digestive discomfort.

On the other hand, fats are a huge part of butter, which is also unhealthy. It can cause obesity, heart issues, etc. Moreover, your dog can develop pancreatitis, a serious condition that causes death.

Vanilla Extract

One of the main ingredients of red velvet chocolate cake is vanilla extract. While it may not seem like a huge ingredient, even a little bit of it can be bad for your dog. The extract has around 35% alcohol. A dog’s body is not meant to ingest alcohol, so even a little can cause serious harm like alcohol poisoning.

Vegetable Oil

Many cakes require oils in their recipe, which are fats. A dog’s diet calls for fats, but for healthy fats like natural fish or chicken fat. Vegetable fats are unhealthy and high in calories, and it is not healthy for humans either. If a dog eats too much fat, it can cause heart problems, weight gain, lethargy, etc.


Some chocolate cake recipes call for coffee, and it is also found in chocolate and cocoa powder. It is a stimulant that helps perk people up, but even too much caffeine can be bad for humans. Since caffeine is not normal for a dog to eat, they are particularly sensitive to its effects.

Caffeine can raise blood pressure, causing cardiac arrhythmias, a dangerous condition. Caffeine can also cause seizures or tremors, along with loss of muscle control.

Moreover, it can affect the gastrointestinal tract, making your dog vomit and have diarrhea. Vomiting may be a helpful side effect, as it can remove excess toxins from the body. However, your dog may need to see a vet if they vomit, especially if the dog had a lot of cake.

Can Puppies Eat Red Velvet Cake

What Happens if a Dog Eat Red Velvet Cake?

If your dog takes a small bite of red velvet cake, nothing may happen. However, if they eat more than a few bites or even a slice, your dog may get pretty sick. Dogs can develop diabetes, toxicity, obesity, etc.

Dogs may develop more serious symptoms, especially if they react badly to the main ingredients of the cake. If your dog has eaten cake and their behavior changes, they will likely need to see a vet.

If a Dog Eats Red Velvet Cake, Do They Need to See a Vet?

If your dog ate red velvet cake, there are a few symptoms you should watch out for. Some dogs that eat the cake, especially if it was a very small amount, may not have any severe symptoms.

However, if your dog ate more than a few tablespoons of red velvet cake it can be dangerous. Here are some signs that you need to bring them to a vet immediately.


  • Seizures
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Rapid Breathing
  • High Body Temperature
Is Red Velvet Cake Bad for Dogs

Are There Any Health Benefits for a Dog to Eat Red Velvet Cake?

There are no real health benefits to giving dogs red velvet cake. It has no beneficial nutrients for dogs. So, it does more harm than good. Even if a dog thinks that it looks “delicious,” they are better off never trying a bite of cake.

Some cakes may have good ingredients for dogs, like strawberries and raspberries. However, it is not ideal to give your dog cake solely for these beneficial ingredients. It would be best to give your dog fresh fruit alone, free from any cake.

Can Puppies Eat Red Velvet Cake?

No, puppies cannot have red velvet cake. Adult dogs cannot have cakes because it is unhealthy and cause more serious problems. Since adult dogs can’t eat cakes, neither can puppies. Puppies have much smaller bodies than adults, so even a bite of chocolate cake can be too much for them.

Can a Puppy Eat Red Velvet Cake

All in All

Dogs cannot have red velvet cake because the main ingredients are harmful to a dog. It has sugar, chocolate, butter, vanilla extract, etc., which can make your dog very sick. It would be best to stick to healthier, doggy-safe treats instead.

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  1. Bd Vet, ‘Can Dogs Eat Candy: What You Should Know About Dogs & Sweets’, , Date Accessed – 8 August, 2021
  2. VCA Hospitals, ‘Chocolate Poisoning in Dogs’, , Date Accessed – 8 August, 2021
  3. Pet Poison Hotline, ‘IS TABLE FOOD POISONOUS FOR DOGS?’, , Date Accessed – 8 August, 2021
  4. VCA Hospitals, ‘Caffeine Toxicity in Pets’, , Date Accessed – 8 August, 2021

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