Can Dogs Eat Pizza Rolls? Everything You Need to Know

Last Updated on 11/17/2021 by Veronica Jones

There are many reasons why pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world. With a combination of cheese, a variety of delicious toppings and tasty sauce on top of a dough base, it’s no wonder billions of pizzas are consumed every year.

Pizza rolls are bite-sized pizza pockets packed full of everything a traditional pizza has. But should you be serving a slice or a roll with your dog?

When tucking into your favorite pizza, you may wonder if you can share the indulgence with your pet. Can dogs eat pizza rolls? We reveal whether the ingredients of a pizza will harm your pooch.

Can dogs eat pizza?

No, dogs should not be given pizza to eat. Pizza contains a huge amount of processed meats, dairy products and seasonings that can be toxic to dogs, as well as being very bad for their overall health. Pizza rolls contain the same ingredients so should not be consumed by canines either.

Can dogs eat pizza?

Will pizza hurt my dog?

Whether pizza will harm your dog will depend on what ingredients are on the pizza or pizza roll. Most pizzas are unsuitable as they are designed for humans to consume, not animals. Why can’t dogs eat pizza rolls? Here is a list of the most common potentially harmful ingredients for dogs that are found in pizzas.

Cheese – whilst cheese is a good source of protein and vitamins, some dog breeds are lactose intolerant, meaning the cheese in pizza rolls could cause a poorly tummy. Cheese is also high in calories, which could lead to weight issues if eaten frequently.

Onion and garlic – these common ingredients are often used to flavor pizza sauce or as a topping. Onion toxicity in dogs is a serious threat for canines that accidentally eat onion. Onion toxicity is a life-threatening condition that needs urgent medical attention. Garlic and garlic powder contains thiosulfate that damages a dog’s red blood cells, preventing them from carrying oxygen around the body. Signs of onion and garlic poisoning include lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness and panting.

Processed meats – the toppings in a pizza or pizza roll often contain processed meats such as sausage and salami that are high in fat. When a dog consumes too much fat, his pancreas can become inflamed and lead to pancreatitis. Processed meats can often cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs as their digestive systems are not used to breaking down high levels of fat found in meat.

Sauce – can dogs eat pizza sauce? The base of a pizza or pizza roll is usually coated with tasty tomato sauce. Tomatoes themselves are not toxic to dogs, however pizza base sauce usually contains onion or garlic, which is highly toxic to some animals, including dogs and should be avoided.

Pizza crust – pizza crusts contain high levels of calories and fat, so if dogs eat pizza crust on a regular basis it could lead to obesity.

Salt – a lot of salt is used when preparing pizza rolls. Too much salt in a dog’s diet can lead to salt poisoning, which causes muscles to become stiff and create shaking and jerking motions. Excessive sodium intake can cause serious illness in dogs, and can even be fatal.

You shouldn’t give your dog pizza rolls because of the number of potentially harmful ingredients they contain.

What happens if dogs eat pizza?

So your pup pinched one of your pizza rolls when your back was turned? Will dogs throw up if they eat pizza?

If dogs eat pepperoni pizza, it’s likely they will experience some sickness and diarrhea. One piece of pizza isn’t going to harm your pup too much, as long as it doesn’t contain harmful seasonings or processed meats.

What will happen if your dog ate pizza will depend on how much pizza has been consumed and the ingredients in it. The health implications of toxic ingredients in pizza can cause long-term illnesses, so it’s important to act quickly and contact your vet if you think your dog has ingested something harmful. Can pizza kill dogs? It’s unlikely unless your pup eats a huge amount containing highly toxic ingredients.

Dogs that have eaten some pizza rolls that they shouldn’t are most likely to experience some vomiting and diarrhea. There are remedies that you can use to help make your pup feel better, but you should always speak to your veterinarian before giving anything to your pet.

If you really want to give your pup a slice of a pizza or a pizza roll as a treat, you should make it yourself so you can be 100% sure that it doesn’t contain any toxic ingredients such as garlic and onion.

What happens if dogs eat pizza?

Homemade dog-safe pizza recipe

Give this pup-friendly recipe a go and skip the takeout.


• 1 cup of wheat or spelt flour

• A few slices of fresh mozzarella

• 1/3 cup of white flour

• 1 pinch of basil

• 1/4 cup of water

• 1 pinch of sundried tomatoes


1. Preheat your oven to 375-degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Chop up the sundried tomatoes, basil, and cheese into small pieces

3. Mix the two types of flour in a bowl and stir in the chopped pieces and mozzarella.

4. Pour in water and stir until the mixture forms a dry sticky dough.

5. Use a rolling pin to flatten the dough and cut it into circular pieces with a cutter.

7. Place the pizza on a baking sheet and bake for roughly 20 minutes, until it is brown.

8. Cut into small pieces and allow to cool before serving to your dog.

Homemade dog-safe pizza recipe

Dogs and pizza rolls

It’s not recommended that you give your dog pizza or pizza rolls because they don’t contain any nutritional benefits for dogs, and can even cause harm if the toppings or sauce contains any toxic ingredients. If your dog eats a tiny amount of pizza, chances are he will be ok but it’s not worth the risk. The only safe way of feeding your pooch pizza is to make it from scratch using dog-safe ingredients.

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Reference list

  1. AKC “can dogs eat onions” Accessed 16th October 2021
  2. Purina “can dogs eat garlic” Accessed 16th October 2021

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