Last Updated on 11/17/2021 by Veronica Jones
Most dog owners think that their dogs can only eat meat and dog food. However, you may be surprised to find out that dogs are omnivores. While they do rely heavily on animal protein, they can also have some other human foods to add extra nutrients to a dog’s diet.
So, can dogs eat edamame and other green soybeans? This guide has everything you need to know about dogs and edamame.
Can Dogs Eat Edamame Beans?
Yes, dogs can eat edamame beans. They are healthy and non-toxic snacks that contain lots of nutrients, and they are safe for dogs when given in moderation. Assuming your dog is not allergic to soy, you can feed edamame as a fun treat.

What Is Edamame?

Edamame beans are essentially immature soybeans. These little green soybeans are very popular in Asian countries like Japan, Korea and China and it is typically served boiled or steamed. Most people do not consume edamame soy pods because they only eat the beans inside the pod.
Is Edamame Safe for Dogs?
Yes, edamame beans are safe for dogs, especially if they do not have a soy allergy. Edamame beans are not toxic, and they contain lots of nutrients that can benefit your dog. Edamame for dogs as a treat will likely cause no side effects.
What Should I Do If I Catch My Dog Eating Edamame?
If you see your dog eating edamame, there may not be any reason to panic. Pet owners can feed their dog edamame without much worry. You only need to bring them to a vet immediately if they show signs of an allergic reaction, excessive bloating, etc.
If you see your dogs eat edamame shells, they may find it a bit difficult to digest. However, it may be fine if they only eat one shell. It is only a concern if they eat many edamame shells.

What Are the Health Benefits of Edamame?
There is a load of health benefits your dog can get when you feed your dog edamame. Feeding edamame to your dog in moderation can offer these benefits:
Vitamin C
Edamame is packed with vitamin C, which is a crucial antioxidant. This antioxidant gets rid of free radicals in the body while also decreasing cognitive aging and inflammation. It also strengthens your dog’s immune system to fight off infection and disease.
Moreover, vitamin C can also provide energy to dogs, especially if they are low on vitamins. Plus, it can potentially help relieve symptoms in dogs that have urinary tract infections.
Fiber is a crucial nutrient to help maintain a dog’s digestive health. Fiber prevents bad bacteria from growing excessively in the system. Plus, it also helps repair the colon from injury, keeping the whole digestive tract healthy.
Fiber also encourages regular bowel movements, which is important to keep harmful waste out of your dog’s body. Dogs that get constipated can feel some relief when they have fiber in their diets. Fiber can prevent certain diseases, such as diabetes and colitis.
Weight Management
If your dog is on the chubby side, you need to find some healthy snacks to reward them and curb their appetite. Most store-bought dog treats have a load of calories and additives, so edamame can be a healthier replacement for dogs on a diet.
As mentioned earlier, edamame contains fiber. Fiber can help your dog feel full longer, so a few beans can keep your dog happy until their next mealtime. Moreover, the fiber in edamame helps the digestive tract, which can help overall weight loss and management.
Omega 3s
Omega 3s are fish oils and they are excellent nutrients that dogs can benefit from in their diets. Omega 3s are anti-inflammatory, which can help your dog when they are sick or prevent sickness. Plus, it can promote wound healing if your dog gets a cut or scratch.
Omega 3s help keep your dog’s coat and skin beautiful and healthy, which can help dogs with flakey skin and dry fur. These fish oils can also help dogs who struggle with mobility because they can support and soothe achy and stiff joints.
Calcium is an important nutrient for bone and dental growth and maintenance, but it can also help other parts of your dog’s body. For one thing, calcium keeps the heart strong and keeps the nervous system healthy. Additionally, it encourages proper muscle function and growth, which is crucial for dogs of all ages, especially active dogs.
Older dogs will also love the calcium that they get from edamame. Older dogs often have weaker bones and joints, making them more susceptible to injury. Calcium can support bone strength to decrease injury and promote bone healing.
Will Edamame Give My Dog Side Effects?
Edamame is healthy for most dogs in moderation, but if you give a dog edamame and they eat a lot at once, it can lead to some side effects. If your dog will eat edamame beans in excess at one time, it can cause bloating, which can be uncomfortable and even painful. Moreover, it can also lead to stomach gas which can make your dog fart.
Too much edamame can also be bad for your dog’s digestive system. Edamame has a load of fiber, which is normally good but you should not overdo it. Excess fiber can make your dog’s digestive tract work faster, leading to vomiting or diarrhea.

Will Edamame Kill My Dog?
No, edamame will not kill your dog. When given as a healthy treat, edamame only offers health benefits and little to no risks. However, some dogs are allergic to soy, so they may present some allergic reactions if they eat edamame. Moreover, it is still to feed it to dogs in moderation, as it is still possible to give a dog too much edamame.
Can Dogs Have Soybeans?
Since edamame is soy, can dogs eat edamame and other soybeans? No, because other soy products are not so safe for your dog, like tofu. Edamame is safe, but it would be best to only stick to edamame and avoid other soybean products.
However, there is a risk that your dog can be allergic to soy. Edamame is a soybean, so it can trigger some allergic reactions like fur loss and stomach pain. However, most dog foods contain soy, so if your dog does not react to their dog food they may be fine.
What Kind of Edamame Can My Dog Eat?
Ideally, you should only feed your dog plain edamame beans. Avoid processed edamame snacks that have too much salt and edamame cooked into other dishes. Edamame that has other ingredients like salt, pepper, butter, etc. is bad for your dog. The extra ingredients can cause many health risks, so it is best to stick to plain beans.

What Part of the Edamame Can Dogs Eat
Typically, you should only give your dog the edamame beans inside the pod. Edamame pods are technically safe to eat. However, edamame pods are also difficult to digest, so it is best to only give your dog the beans.
How to Prepare Edamame for Your Dog?
If you want your dog to eat edamame, there are many ways you can do that. Dogs can eat raw edamame beans and cooked edamame beans, only eating the beans inside the pod. You can let your dog eat edamame as a treat, or sprinkle it over their food for extra nutrition for your dog’s diet. You can even freeze the edamame beans for a frozen treat.
If your dog is new to edamame, it would be best to start slowly. Wash your edamame, and you can serve it raw or cooked. Whether you serve your dog raw or cooked edamame, introduce it to them carefully. Offer them a few beans at a time. If they show no adverse effects after 24 hours, they can continue to have edamame.
How Much Edamame Can My Dog Eat?
There is no exact amount that states how much edamame dogs can eat. However, it is best to still not overdo it to avoid risking your dog’s health because too much of anything can be bad. Most dogs can eat two pods of beans, or about 6-9 beans a day. Smaller dogs may only have 3-4 beans a day.

Can Puppies Have Edamame?
It would be best to stick to the diet that a vet recommended for your puppy. While dogs can eat edamame, puppies are different. Puppies have very sensitive bodies compared to adult dogs, and they may react negatively to a new food, even edamame.
Edamame is a fantastic treat to give to your dog because it is full of nutrients. They are an excellent choice for dogs who need extra vitamins, more fiber or even help with weight management. It can be served raw, frozen or cooked, as long as the beans are plain. Dogs can have a few beans a day if they are not allergic to soy.