10 Worst Dog Breeds for Cats

worst dog breeds for cats

Despite the fact that dogs and cats have a reputation for being mortal enemies, it’s entirely possible for a dog and a cat to coexist happily under the same roof. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. There are man dog breeds that don’t get along with cats, and will love nothing more than chasing and … Read more

Why Do Dogs Foam At The Mouth?


There’s nothing more startling than going in to cuddle your canine companion, only to discover a track of foam falling from their mouth. While there is certainly a terrifying stigma surrounding this occurrence, we’re here to tell you that it’s not always a massive cause of concern. In this article we’ll break down the common … Read more

Huskimo: 11 Things You Didn’t Know About


What do you get when you cross the beautiful and energetic Siberian Husky with the loving and loyal American Eskimo Dog? You get a Huskimo of course — a high-energy breed that thrives on human companionship. Huskimos are playful, affectionate and downright gorgeous, and they make wonderful pets when paired with committed owners. However, before … Read more

Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis (HGE) In Dogs

hge in dogs

HGE in dogs is a fairly common veterinary emergency that frightens dog owners due to its shocking symptoms. Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis will often come on quickly, causing the need to act fast in order to nurse your pup back to health. In this article we’ll dive into the details of this condition, the symptoms to look … Read more

Smells That Your Cat Hates

smells cats that hate

Cats are sometimes known for wanting things a certain way. They may not like it when you sleep in, make too much noise while they’re napping, or don’t get the right flavor of cat food. There are also certain smells that they don’t like. Since their noses are extremely sensitive, do your cat a favor … Read more